"He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.”  

Proverbs 19:17


The Masterpiece Fund was inspired by the grace and kindness of Gregory Crowe, who passed away in March 2012. It is a tool to support Kingdom activities—feeding and caring for starving and emotionally scarred children, as well as battered and pregnant women who need a leg up, to people on mission trips who provide shelter, clean water, and of course love and kindness to others throughout the world.

Greg Crowe was a man after God’s own heart and the Masterpiece Fund will honor his memory and continue the work of God on earth. Greg’s family is pretty creative so we are taking the words from Ephesians 2:10 and using the gifts and talents God gave us to help others and do good works in His name and for His glory. It is our hope that the Masterpiece Fund will spread the joy and hope of Christ through giving to 501(c)3 charities. 

It is our hope that this site will also provide resources for people who are interested in having a relationship with Jesus or who want more information about God and His hopes for us. If you have stories to tell, resources to share or questions about the Masterpiece Fund, please contact us through the contact page, or email donations@masterpiecefund.org.

Masterpiece Fund